Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Donald John Trump polarizing an explosive campaign and a popular target of relentless organization and long-standing ideals of American democracy was the culmination of a stunning 45th US president, was elected on Tuesday.

Tuesday night, the participants believed that Mr. Trump triumph Clinton, who had no mathematical way, which is in the state of Florida and the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, was sure of victory went ahead in North Carolina. Trump or leaning his way, it seemed in danger.

 Mrs. Clinton is a suite nearby Peninsula Hotel, family, friend and adviser to his campaign plane with a champagne toast on the day before his candidacy was noted surrounded dire results.

But again and again, as a candidate, Mrs. Clinton's weakness has been exposed. He failed to excite voters are hungry for change. He is a personal e-mail server as well as the American Secretary of State was puzzled by the decision to use strive to build trust with. And given the rapid economic speech that he has earned millions of dollars for himself as a champion of the oppressed since tried to make a persuasive case.

The Republican Party in the House and the Senate about his success was to keep control of a part of a bigger and more was just overwhelming victory.

At least 270 electoral votes brash New York businessman, according to estimates by NBC News and the Republican ticket to the White House in January. The majority of the electoral cycle Trump average vote Democrat Hillary Clinton dragged, but the state is out of the reach of many experts had predicted to resist.

Surprise result, recent polls showed Clinton with a modest but persistent benefit of the country and the world, where skeptics have noted with alarm Trump barrier disillusioned voters in an effort to ignore the threat of heart disease.

Mr. Trump, 70, had no experience in the real TV star, success is a strong rejection of the establishment of the army who had gathered against him, he was in business, government, trade, immigration from all over the world has wrought.

Results not only a denial of Mrs. Clinton, but Obama, whose heritage is in danger of sudden amounted. And it is basically a coalition of the white working class and the working class who felt that the United States had slipped amid promises of globalization and multiculturalism for decades neglected a decisive display of power.


Republicans congratulated his Democratic rival, saying he delivered "a very difficult operation." He is also in his political career, "hard work and long" admired for.

"Now is the time to tie the United States Department of the wound - to be seen," he said. "All Republicans and Democrats and independents across the nation, I say it's time to come together as a unified nation."

Trump, who is identified as a divisive and racist rhetoric has been criticized for the opposition, vowed, "I will be the president of all Americans, and this is very important to me."

Trump has never held public office, but by the newly elected vice-president Mike Pence and business activities of the executive branch, and politicians gathered around a lot of candidates will join the Republican Party.

Although the vast majority of pre-election polls indicated Clinton's campaign had a little advantage electoral force beyond surveys had predicted hourly Trump was a vein, events, and online support to indicate its huge crowds.
Clinton, who in 1990, during the presidency of her husband, President Barack Obama, First Lady and Senator from 2001 to 2009, New York was secretary of state under the "establishment" has been portrayed as a trumpet made of the political campaign of a politician. In Washington, government corruption neophyte who "drain the swamp" could.

Trump after entering the White House in January is likely to face major opposition Democratic effort. In fact, Trump and minority aroused strong protests from liberal groups have been identified since many Mexicans "rapist" in June 2015 to launch their campaign for immigrants.

Trump in a GOP primary voters connect with people who think they are in Washington interests betrayed by have been fulfilled in the field rose to prominence. Sponsors of the tone on economic issues such as trade and immigration, which are Americans who believe that the current Republican resonate with their communities worried about the strong reaction was stopped.

Almost impossible to implement as many experts in the study of economic and political requirements of the trumpet and is unlikely to achieve the desired goals. However, supporters, and Trump himself, the call tariff and mass deportations were saved in the end, they have argued that the imminent opening of negotiations.

And Trump, who is a symbol of wealth and business acumen have been known for decades, its image campaign channeled through a negotiator. Developer, which is co-author of "Trump: Deal Art" - the United States has repeatedly claimed that other countries are taking advantage of, and the White House should work to renegotiate the existing agreements.

Clinton said Senator Bernie Sanders policies against a set of proposals to make the competition more liberal campaign has started. Obama is very liberal Republican former secretary of state mandates on the left, they have expressed some unease Clinton as the extension of the draw though, hooting that is more aligned with the center-right candidates.

However, for all this criticism has emerged ahead of Clinton in the race, especially after his well-received presentation of the debate. But when the FBI thin lead in the polls just 11 days using a personal e-mail server announcement regarding the new evidence before the inquiry, when he was secretary of state. The FBI later said the new probe offense Clinton, but Democrats, and even trumpet some supporters to blame for any reason is not provided, the announcement is described as a Clinton campaign was damaged when it is remembered by the voters in a scandal that foreground faded from that.

Trump at the White House is also facing several challenges, accusations that he sexually assaulted or harassed several women and many women who demand this kind of glory in 2005 after posting a video in which he has been submitted, including grope women.

But Tuesday's election results in Washington politics, not just Democrats or Clinton, the entire system is a strong denial. Republican leaders and luminaries had come out against a long list of the trumpet, or at least his party refused to back the new de facto head.

Trump victory mainstream media, which is largely covered Trump scandal and rejection of self-incompatibility identified. Polls showed that many Republican supporters rejected those reports.

As recently as last week, in fact, experts from both sides suggested that Trump was not trying to win the election, but the race for the profit of the company was interested in establishing the foundation of support. But after an acrimonious election, Trump is now working with a team that is building for the country to implement their ideas.

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